Heritage - Catholic, Evangelical and Lutheran.
the world and across the ages, Christians have expressed their faith
in different ways. Christ the King Church stands within the tradition
of Christianity that developed in western Europe. Generally this
western expression of the Church is called "Catholic"
Christianity, Catholic meaning "comprehensive,"
"universal," and "inclusive," as opposed to more
sectarian and schismatic Christian groups. In the eastern world the
"one holy and apostolic Church" was called "orthodox"
and developed its own traditions and practices.
particularly, Christ the King belongs to that wing of the
church catholic that grew out of the 16th century renewal movement in
the western church. Historically the followers of this reform
movement became identified as the "evangelical" wing of the
we would say that Christ the King is both "Catholic"
and "Evangelical". This catholic and evangelical character
is seen in how we worship and in what we teach.
Christ the King is a congregation of the New Jersey Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The ELCA confesses the Triune God — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. In our preaching and teaching the ELCA trusts the Gospel as the power of God for the salvation of all who believe. We are Lutheran, a denomination that has grown from the Martin Luther's teachings and writings about faith. To learn more, click here..
What We Believe
We confess the Christian faith as it is articulated in the Apostles' Creed, Nicene Creed, and Athanasian Creeds of the Church.
We believe in Jesus Christ as the incarnate Word of God, and the holy scriptures of the Old and New Testament as the written word of God, bearing witness to God's relationship with us and intentions for us.
We believe that God's Spirit speaks to us in the Word of God to create and sustain faith, and to gather the Church as God's people for service in the world.
We believe that in Christ Jesus, we are saved into eternal life with God, by God's grace, received through the faith God has inspired within us, without our merit and apart from our works.
We believe that as God's redeemed people, in gratitude to God, we are called to serve others and bear witness to God's Word.
As a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, we accept the Unaltered Augsburg Confession and the confessional writings in the Book of Concord as a true witness to the gospel and interpretation of the faith of the Church.
We Worship
worship God in our everyday lives as we trust God, seek God's will,
and share his gospel. We gather weekly for worship - to be strengthened, guided,
and encouraged for such living.
regular Sunday services reflect the order of worship as it developed
in the western church Christian era.
worship is centered around the word of God as it is read in the
scriptures, proclaimed in preaching, and enacted in the sacraments
of Holy Communion and Baptism.
purpose of our worship is to thank God for God's gracious love and
to support and encourage one another for daily living as God's
style of worship is both reverential and informal, instructive and
joyful. We encourage participation and the expression of both
solemnity and praise.
goal is that persons leave worship assured of God's grace,
challenged by God's word, and renewed by God's spirit for another
week of daily life.
regular Sunday worship is shaped by these four actions:
- we come from our various places of working and living to this
common place where we join together in prayer and praise.
the word - we hear, expound, and ponder God's word in holy scripture
and consider what it means for our times and our lives.
the meal - we share God's gifts with others and join together at
God's table. Here we receive God's forgiveness in the risen Christ,
and the gospel of God's salvation is enacted for us.
- we return to those places where we live and work, to bring the love Christ to others.
and How We Give
we have comes from God
and is freely given by God out of love.
We do
not earn it or deserve it
and ultimately it is not ours to keep,
only ours to use, care for, improve, and pass on to others.
"Giving" is actually sharing with others what God
has allowed us to use. The important thing about giving is that it be
done freely, joyfully, proportionately, and purposefully, in the
spirit of thanksgiving.
the King exists to do a work -- to build a loving community that shares the unconditional love of Jesus Christ. That work is funded by the
offerings of the people of Christ the King. People are encouraged to
thoughtfully decide on a proportion (percentage) of their income that
they intend to give in weekly offerings to the regular work of the
is no rule as to how much you give. Remember giving is to be done
freely and joyfully in the spirit of thanksgiving. A "tithe"
or 10% is the biblical standard that can be used as a benchmark as we
plan and grow in our giving.
Christ the King Church sponsors a few events that raise money for
specific church projects, we do not expect our neighbors to pay for
our ministry. They should be seen as the recipients of our ministry.
portion of our regular offerings are sent to fund church-wide and
interfaith ministries beyond our community. Persons are also invited
to make special offerings to designated projects and services.
encourage you to use weekly offering envelopes which can be provided
to you by asking the Pastor or Finance and Stewardship Committee.
through weekly church offerings is just one way of giving. We also
encourage persons to give lovingly and wisely by other means and to
other agencies of service.